Decoration, Design trends

Decorating with Natural Light

You can pick out a colour you love at your favourite home improvement store, but don’t buy it without trying it. It may look like the perfect colour under the fluorescent lights of that warehouse, but it will undergo a dramatic transformation once you get it home. Your home’s natural light can make that dreamy and serene lavender colour you chose in the home improvement store look like Barney’s nightmare, depending on direction your room is facing. Here are some tips on how natural light can affect your decor.

Facing North.

Northern Light is usually cold, and direct sunlight in your room only occurs in the middle of summer. Use warm colours such as red, yellow or orange in your decor to compensate for the coolness of the light. Blues or greens will make the room appear even colder.

Facing South.

Southern Light is warm and sunny. You can use darker colours in a room with a southern exposure. Blues and greens in this room can create a summery feel all year long.

Facing East.

Eastern Light gives a room sunny mornings but muted mid-days. The afternoon offers no direct light. Use a mix of warms and cools to balance out the daylight.

Facing West.

Western Light features afternoon and evening sun. Use neutrals in this room. Using warm colours will overpower the room in the afternoon.

Your natural light may vary depending on how many windows in each room face what direction. Being aware of how the dominant natural light in your room affects your décor will help you make the best decisions about the colour you use for paint and home furnishings. Pardon me while I go knock out a wall so I can have some southern light!

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